About me

I'm a 20 yr old fullstack web developer from the UK. I'm currently studying Computer Science & Mathematics at the Open University.

Favourite Stack

Yes, I can use React, Next, etc, but these are the things I like to use regularly.


A few of the projects I've worked on, or am currently working on.



A simple authentication library for Astro. It's built on top of Auth.js. Co-created with Jan Czekala.



I'm a maintainer of Astro. I spend most of my time in the Discord server helping people out, and contributing to the docs. I often write about Astro on my blog.


Yugibot (Inactive)

A cool little Discord bot for the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG. It's built in TypeScript, and uses Discord.js, and the YGOPRODeck API. It's currently inactive, but maybe I'll revisit it one day.

Hackmaster Association

Hackmaster Association (Inactive)

I developed the website for the unofficial Hackmaster Association. I built the site a while ago. It was built in Vue, with Firebase as the backend. Two decisions I'll probably not be making again. While the site is still up, I'm no longer maintaining it. In addition, the HMA is no longer active.
